one more revolution...
…of the earth on its axis will see us with keys to our new art-deco kingdom! This keenly anticipated event will reduce the enormity of today’s rite—in which we took a new key and drove out of the car lot in red raspberry/wine(y) splendor—to near quotidian…
As I was tying Lily’s tie today (this is the house tie-expert speaking) she said that she felt it should be the weekend. When asked why that was, she said this would be the first time she had gone to school on consecutive days. [Although it seems that both W & L have been going to school for ages, actually Lily went only twice the last week—on Tuesday, then two (sick) days off, and again on Friday, followed by the weekend…two days off.] She is making a mask at school…the Ice Princess. Wim handed in a poster today—facts about Krypton—and is now decorating a shield for his course in Roman history (requiring a trip to the store by Papa for cardboard and a trip downtown by Mom after school to buy poster paints).
T & me began looking at the Piano Quartet today that we will perform on Oct. 12th. (When will we first rehearse in our new digs with the renewed piano?) We have one principle focus of thought (eventually)—the music—constantly interrupted by the questions of planning and moving: How many phone-lines do we need? Where should the principle work station be? When will the frig come? ditto washing-machine? Where is the container with all of our household goods anyhow?
So, that is the scattered picture of today…a hodge-podge…it is all looking do-able…though…it would be nice to stop coughing. My voice is at least an octave lower than usual today, as it was yesterday. We had sun and temperatures of 60 degrees today but by dinner time (6 PM!) it was more like the 40 to 50 range (including in the music room…)
I've been catching up on the blog -- what adventures! And what a mishap with the furniture! Only a couple weeks more of enforced minimalism, at least.
I just returned from a wedding in Maine (my friend Robyn married a friend of Margaret Langford's, of all people). Now I'm back in Brooklyn working away, or rather, procrastinating away, as the case may be. What is it about far-off deadlines that mocks the calendar so? I doth protest too much, methinks.
We're scheduled to drive up to Eyekiktabaasheep for Tom's birthday over labor day, and there's not much other news. Oh, my scar is healing nicely, although it's taken on a lightning bolt aspect that's somewhat Harry Potterish, so maybe I should have let it see a bit more sun to enhance that effect.
Cheers to all and congrats on the imminent moving in to art deco palace!
Dad - thinking of your moment of realization that the steering wheel was on the other side is providing endless amusement... what a moment.
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