Friday, August 11, 2006

Sat. in NZ

Yes, we are well and residing in Waikikamukau.

The detailed description of our taxing travel day will have to wait because of the heavy social schedule. We all slept well, a BIG bonus as you can imagine.

This morning we shopped for uniforms for Wim & Lily’s school, started lunch at 1 PM with Anna, Carola & Geoff in attendance. The first driveby viewing of house and schools has added to the excitement (also topics to return to…). In a few minutes we are expecting the a bevy of visitors; to wit, Kate and Greg Hamilton, the new American members of the Otago Music Department—she a violist and he, a cellist. (They have three children ages 15, 10 and 8 or something like that.)

George called up this morning to arrange for internet from this house (Yeah!). I will test the connection now…if you are reading this, we were successful!

Love to all…
The Kiwikirks


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