Sat. in NZ
Yes, we are well and residing in Waikikamukau.
The detailed description of our taxing travel day will have to wait because of the heavy social schedule. We all slept well, a BIG bonus as you can imagine.
This morning we shopped for uniforms for Wim & Lily’s school, started lunch at 1 PM with Anna, Carola & Geoff in attendance. The first driveby viewing of house and schools has added to the excitement (also topics to return to…). In a few minutes we are expecting the a bevy of visitors; to wit, Kate and Greg Hamilton, the new American members of the Otago Music Department—she a violist and he, a cellist. (They have three children ages 15, 10 and 8 or something like that.)
George called up this morning to arrange for internet from this house (Yeah!). I will test the connection now…if you are reading this, we were successful!
Love to all…
The Kiwikirks
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