Wednesday, August 09, 2006


We drove down the beautiful coast of southern California to Legoland. Five hours went quickly (most of the time--the shopping was tough for parents). Generous stored gifts flew from pockets after careful decisions were arrived at. Wim pretty much knew before we got there what his big box was to be, Lily had more decisions to make. Both kids cleared their goals of spending at least $100...(!)

Lily: Legoland is really fun—I would highly recommend it to every child in the world. My favorite ride was the Aqua Racers…Wim: I was surprised to see how many Lego bricks they must have used to make the displays. My favorite ride was the Lego Technic Test Track Roller Coaster!

My favorite moment was when Lily looked across a pond and recognized the Sydney Opera House

Now it's packing, a possible trip to the Petersen Car Museum and the La Brea tar pits; then Air New Zealand at 9 PM.
Are we ready?


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