Friday, August 18, 2006

It’s Saturday in Waikikamukau

The Kiwikirks have survived and thrived for a week now. We have had some bone-chilling cold and some sunny warmth with temperatures in the high 60’s. Blossoms are all over downtown and on the hills that get full sunlight for much of the day.

L is thrilled with her school, her new classmates and her older cousin’s circle of friends. Her teacher is super. (Mrs. Hogg turns out to be petite, neat and very good.) As far as we can tell, the work may not be challenging enough for our clever little girl. The teacher is definitely savvy enough to figure this out if it is true and perhaps put L ahead at the end of this term.

W won recognition from his teacher on Friday--a fish, which was accompanied by a chocolate--an award “for fitting in so quickly”. His second Phys Ed class consisted of a walk to the huge public swimming pool nearby and tryouts for the swim team. Wim did not seem particularly disappointed not to have made the team. To me, he seems fast in the water but he really does not have the breathing down yet for a proper crawl across the width of an Olympic sized pool.

In this week, we have accomplished uniforms and onset of school for W & L plus mortgage application and approval! I guess we are feeling very chuffed! Yesterday saw the completion and mailing off of my application for residence. I arrived here with a work visa, but the form we sent off was the form that required chest x-ray, blood tests, police and FBI file check, etc. [The three-month period from the time of these tests were performed ends on the 24th, hopefully we should just make the deadline.]

Shopping news: The helpful salesman at the big appliance store recommended by P & G that we visited yesterday told us that they are having a sale next Wednesday. Since we are in the market for a refrigerator, washer, dryer and color printer/fax/copier, buying this necessary paraphernalia at 20 % off would be great. Today we might have a chance to look for wheels again—a Suzuki 1.6 litre hatchback or mini-wagon thing is probably the way we’ll go. Other market activity will be a paddle for W to use in gym and recess (expected cost of this present from Papa—as Grandpa G is known--$4). Also on the docket: the kids have been promised that they can open savings accounts...
Shipping news: C & G live where they can see the huge container ships unloading. By consulting the newspaper, we will know when our ship comes in and in theory at least, will be able to see our container unloaded! We'll keep you posted.

Today's news events: The Early Settlers Museum has an exhibition of old cars and the other museum has a traveling exhibition of the world’s fastest Indian (I saw it on the plane—you should see it). One of those sites will provide an activity for the morning. Otherwise…depending on the weather, today’s birthday plans call for a walk with T’s sisters & brother in law, cousins and the four of us. [G & P are busy with the university graduation.] We will celebrate with fish and chips washed down by NZ beer plus mac &cheese for kids.

that's all for now, folks


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