Today was W’s second day of school. Yesterday, Twenty minutes into his first morning, he joined his gym class playing some form of racquet ball outside. Without his ‘tracksuit’ (sweatpants that his providers were unaware were needed) he was fairly frigid, clad only in gym shorts and a t-shirt. In Math, which followed, he reported that he had difficulty holding a pencil and writing the figures because his hands were so cold. Apparently today was a bit easier. He is in the warm kitchen at the moment doing his homework--making the first graph of his life for science which is plotting the results of an experiment measuring the efficiency of three different insulators.
Yesterday, we shopped for Lily’s school uniform. Today we equipped her with a regulation backpack plus pencils—plain and colored, pads, markers, ruler, pencil sharpener, tape, glue etc. Needless to say, she is very excited. We met with her teacher, Mrs. Hogg and the headmistress, Mrs. Wilson this morning. They both seem very nice, capable and generally excellent!
We toured our new home today! It is everything we hoped for and full of good surprises…beautiful wood, generous storage in the kitchen and good closet space throughout. We had hoped to move in before the 29th, but apparently that is no longer convenient for the sellers. The view from the windows and the light streaming in were equally wonderful!! Much organizing is left to do but we now have a better idea of what the near future holds in store...
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