Monday, February 02, 2009

Dunedin: It's all right here (ODT-Jan 31st)

"You can keep your Queen City…" and the capital and Christchurch and pretty much anywhere else in the country for Dunedin is the best place to live in New Zealand, a survey by the ASB bank shows. [And, since New Zealand is the best place to live in the world, Dunedin is No #1 in the WORLD ; ) ]

This survey ranked Dunedin as the best community ahead of Rodney District, north of Auckland and Wellington. The survey looked at aspects which made people feel comfortable and happy living in an area. These were:

• The sense of community in neighbourhoods
• Feelings of Trust
• Availability of support
• Frequency of feeling lonely or isolated
• Contact with neighbours
• Culturally rich and diverse arts scene
• Sense of pride in the way their city looks and feels
• Rating of graffiti, vandalism and litter as a problem

The author of the study said Dunedin was a clear winner after finishing in the top for rankings in seven of eight categories. Dunedin scored 650 out of a possible 800 points. More information on

[Dunedin is just a short jump from us in Waikikamukau (pronounced why-kick-a-moo-cow)…so this makes us feel pretty positive about our area too…] (come see, comme ça)


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