Friday, August 22, 2008

Two years...

Two years have passed since your intrepid blogger plonked down in Waikikamukau. There is probably a direct correlation between the increasingly infrequent blogging activity and greater length of time as citizen coming to grips with new climes, new situations and new people. This sentence is meant to hint at the fact that we are getting imbedded in New Zealand—feeling at home here.

Still, a relative new comer cannot take the weather in stride anymore than the life-long resident। July weather saw twice its normal rainfall; there was rain everyday
during the last nine days of the month. The 25th took the cake—40mm for the day! The weather then turned for better for a day--harbingers of Spring (more birds singing by the hour)…a warm sunny day…students in shorts, sleeveless shirts and jandels (sandals to you), before, pow!, back to winter, black ice on the roads causing havoc. Our little boiler is toiling away at the moment to keep this house safe for democracy as we join the world staring at images of Olympic glory from Beijing. (As they sweat and swelter, we are still breakfasting on porridge.)

Dunedin has at least two links to Olympics at the moment. A University of Otago lecturer in biomechanics played a significant role in testing Speedo’s controversial “space age” LZR Racer swimsuits at the U’s water flume (do your own research). Also, from the ODT, Dunedin-born, Christchurch-raised coach of the United stated volleyball team was yesterday mourning the loss of his father-in-law, who was murdered in an apparent random attack in the (Beijing) central city.

The Otago Daily Times gives the clearest view of local life, providing a window into life as New Zealanders see it. Relatively recent headlines that stick: Studies Show that NZ Children Get More Sleep; NZ snow sport injuries cost ACC over $15m; NZ—the Saudi Arabia of Windfarms; (today’s) More weekend rain, more frequently.

We are very Olympic proud at the moment—third most medals per capita was trumpeted. The ODT proclaims: NZ results satisfy Sparc boss. Sport and Recreation New Zealand (Sparc) chief executive Peter Miskimmin is a relieved man, as you would be if a multi-million-dollar investment paid off. Sparc invested $60 million in its high-performanc programme since the 2004 Athens Olympic games, with the aim of winning more medals in Beijing. Rather than spreading that money thinly across all sports, it opted to target those sports “capable of achieving world-class results”, allocating $51.5m on just nine sports (cycling, rowing, swimming, triathlon, yachting, equestrian, hockey and canoeing). (Small mystery-the 9th is not listed.)

The following item has floated around various household surfaces since 31st May:

Perfect female contest fun for third place-getter
Katherine King comes close to being the perfect female. The 29-year-old advertising representative for the Otago Daily Times in Oamaru was the only North Otago contestant in South Canterbury’s “perfect female” contest held over the past week and she finished third equal. Beverly Meynell, of Waimate won, earning a trip for two to Australia’s Gold Coast and $500 spending money. “I thought the contest would be a laugh and I like to get myself into predicaments,” Mrs. King said. “The contest was a lot of fun and I’d do it again.” The 18 contestants gathered in Timaru each Thursday night over the past four weeks to take part in quizzes, physical and practical challenges. Some of the challenges were sprung on them at the last minute, including cracking two eggs with one hand, changing a car tyre and arm wrestling. Mrs. King was the fastest to change a car tyre, completing that task in 2min and 12sec. Her experience as a hip-hop dance tutor helped her finish second in a contest to keep a Hula-Hoop going for the longest time. She was also a dab hand at hammering a long nail into wood, completing that in 6min 52sec. One of the last challenges was raising money for a charity in a week. Mrs. Ling raised about $2700 for Save the Children Myanmar fund—the second highest total in the contest—thanks to businesses’ and individual support.

(no foot races in high heels, but I thought sheep-shearing or carrying might be included…)

signing off …


At November 23, 2008 8:26 PM, Blogger Jennifer G said...

waaa. i miss your blogging. : ( jg


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