Saturday, September 23, 2006

Strong northwesterly winds will bring hot...

...dry and gusty conditions to all eastern districts Sunday and Monday, exacerbating the fire risk in Otago and Canterbury. (Waikikamukau is in Otago.) MetService spokesman Bob McDavitt referred to the winds as “equinoctial gales”, caused by the contrast between cold in the Antarctic and emerging tropical weather heading southward. “This spring’s equinox is on Saturday and, after that, the days are longer than the nights. The southern hemisphere tropics are warming as the sun comes southwards while the Antarctic is at its coldest time of the year.” Westerly winds feed off the difference in temperature between the tropics and the Antarctic, so it was no surprise they were strong and widespread at the moment, Mr. McDavitt said. The MetService is forecasting strong northwesterlies with the possibility of severe gales, for Southland, Otago and Canterbury tomorrow, before a cold front crossing the South island from late tomorrow. Winds will calm down behind the front and then strengthen again on Monday, ahead of another cold front.

…and in more weather news: because of the windy gales in the Antarctic, the holes in the ozone layer are larger than normal. The levels of UV rays, already stronger here than in other parts of the world, will be 25% stronger than normal. A UV advisory is in effect for people going outside for any length of time.

The uncertain state of the weather suits the mood here, the feeling we have waiting for what may/could/should finally be the week of boxes, furniture, flatware and piano!

About three days ago, I walked home from practicing at Pat & George’s…quite a long ways. The rise up the hill waiting at the end I already had experienced but that the long drop down into town—where I planned to visit the stationary store--was also a hazard became clear the next day when I had instant shin splints! Walking to a rehearsal yesterday afternoon was more painful than you can imagine. I considered rolling for a ways but decided that the pavement would be too unforgiving—the knapsack might make things difficult too and even if I could roll, how would the stopping happen? Last night after sleeping for two hours, I awoke with my legs on the verge of cramping along the hamstrings and took two aspirin. The fog in my head in the morning did not unduly impede my throwing together buckwheat-blueberry pancakes…Sunday breakfast triumph

Lily had her first non-cousin playdate yesterday with Ilana. The two of them started a girls-only club which will have its clubhouse in the garage. They made posters and membership cards. Today Willem and Mitchell started clearing out the old tree house. We planned improvements but with no hammer or nails, all is talk at this point. This is progress (?)

And yes, Willem aced his twelve spelling words…!!!

Tessa and I are off soon to the Grandparents. Wim & Lily will puddle around there while we have our first rehearsal for the concert that is a bit over two weeks away. Time to get serious...or...not...


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