फुएल फ्रॉम थे Antipodes
Fuel for the raging debate on global warming
“Up to 1000 skifield workers in Queenstown remain in limbo as all fields in the area stay closed because of a lack of snow. It is thought to be the latest start to winter in 50 years – and it is beginning to have major repercussions. “ (ODT - June 23, 2011))
Summer avoids Dunedin (March 3 - 2011) Heavy rain in Central Otago last month set records, while Dunedin summer failed to happen and the city was considered the coldest and wettest in the country.”
(you wet Vermonters, we feel you pain)
Christchurch continues to be rocked by earthquakes
The ash cloud from Chile’s Cordon Caulle volcano has made a full circuit of the world and arrived in New Zealand yesterday for the second time, causing some airlines to ground domestic and transtasman flights.
okay … the last two bits of bad news have nothing to do with global warming but manage to encourage the doom and gloom brigades …
(but, hopefully)
She’ll be right … (pronounced with a slight suggestion of an ‘l’ elided to the ‘r’ of right which means basically: everything will be okay?)