Kiwi lurgies and collywobbles flummox new New Zealand doctors
Kiwi lurgies and collywobbles flummox new New Zealand doctors
(necessitating a chapter in Coles’s Medical Practice in New Zealand of a list of colloquialisms)
“Doc, could you have a shufti at this? My knee’s been a bit crook since I dinged it the other day. I keep thinking I’ll go arse over tit. To make matters worse, I’ve had a dose of the trots for yonks. I feel really knackered, like I could kick the bucket at any time.”
Also interesting:
A ‘hottie’ -- might be a hot water bottle or a sexually attractive man or woman
Vomiting – could be chundering or spewing
Dreaded lurgi – flu, head-cold, febrile illness
Collywobbles – nausea usually associated with nervousness
but best (?), in reply to how the patient is feeling: “I’m just a box of birds”
[check for download at Medical Council of New Zealand]