Wednesday, July 26, 2006

still Wednesday and vacation

El & Em are gone...

They left a sandwich and a cherished sugar was an emtionally charged moment for all

We watched the videos El shot of yo-yo's and music making, so full of life and family fun

Tomorrow Wim, Lily, Tess and Dad say good-bye to Greyledge and continue on their great adventure that will take them to the antipodes. First though we visit the Harbison's, Lydia and Steve in Colchester then go back for a last few days in Noho.

First Post

Here we are, about to leave - this is Eliot here, feel free to delete as I am kirk but not kiwi. Basically we just want to make sure everything's up and running!

Tennis, music, swimming, and GO!

Wishing all a safe trip and pleasant arrival in the antipodean climes,